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A new year always comes full of good intentions: quit smoking, start to exercise and maybe eat better. If this last is one of your resolutions for 2019, you may get some ideas at the two gastronomic fairs held this month in Madrid: Gastrofestival 2019 and Madrid Fusión.

Gastrofestival celebrates this year its tenth edition, ten years in which it has payed tribute to gastronomy from different points of view: not only culinary but also from areas such as art, cinema, literature or fashion. Gastrofestival proposes activities for everyone. If you want to visit this event you have an appointment between January 23rd and February 10th.

Madrid Fusión, on the other hand, will bring together more than one hundred well-known chefs and great cooking promises. This year this fair is about “Redeveloping cooking: changing the rules”. With this motto, of course the chef Ferran Adrià will attend to this event; he will be presenting his new project “Elbulli1846”. If you do not want to miss it, you have an appointment between January 28th and 30th at Palacio de Congresos.

With this two festivals you can definitely get some ideas to eat better in 2019.

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