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Churros with chocolate, the most typical breakfast in Madrid. If we ask to a local about the best place to eat churros, surely, he will recommend Chocolatería San Ginés, one of the most emblematic bars of the capital. A bar open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

On Pasadizo San Ginés you can find the original bar, but San Ginés has been able to cross borders and export churros to cities such as Tokyo or Bogotá.

San Ginés is also known as Buñolería Modernista, name given by the writer Valle-Inclán in his novel Bohemian Lights. As you can read on the plaque hanging on the façade of the bar: ‘this bar served as inspiration to D. Ramón María Valle-Inclán for his literary work Bohemian Lights in 1929’. But Valle-Inclán was not the only one, the location of the bar was halfway Teatro Real and Puerta del Sol, so it became a bar frequently visited by artists and intellectuals of the time.

Since the moment Buñolería-churrería de San Ginés opened its doors in 1894 the bar has served more than five million churros and cups of chocolate. Do you fancy some churros? It is true they warm you up on a cold day but churros are eaten at any time of year. The menu of San Ginés also counts with tiger nut milk, slush and coffee.

Related stops: stop Plaza Mayor of the Route 1: Historical Madrid

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