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The Three Wise Kings arrive in Madrid every year together with their exceptional carriages, beloved pages and loads of magic, thrill and presents to deliver.

Melchior, Gaspar and Balthazar will be delivering happiness around the streets of the capital the evening of the 5th of January, aboard carriages inspired by the power of the imagination and creativity and devoted to the greatest inventors and scientists throughout history. The parade will finish at 9pm at Cibeles and the closing will consist of fireworks. The Three Wise Kings are aware of the importance of taking care of the environment. This is why they have decided to recycle the carriages used last year and redecorate them in order to use them again. It is important to say that they are very proud of the award they received from the Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid –the official association of architects of Madrid- who considered them very innovative because of their pyramidal and shiny design. This decision is a commitment to work in favour of sustainability and rationalization of resources.

But the Three Wise Kings will not be alone: there will be more than 2,000 people such as acrobats, musicians and dancers livening up this great celebration, one of the most favourite ones of children.

The City Hall will also have its own carriage, in this case devoted to the Star of Bethlehem, which represents the point of reference for the Three Kings who come from the East. This carriage will carry more than 6,000 wishes recollected from the ‘Constelación de los deseos’ –Constellation of wishes-, which was installed at CentroCentro cultural centre, located at Palacio de Cibeles.

Feel like a child again and enjoy the magic of Christmas in a special day like this.

Related stops: number 6 (Nuevos Ministerios) and number 7 (Santiago Bernabéu) of the route Modern Madrid.

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