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The park El Retiro is one of the most symbolic places of Madrid. Get to know some of its mysteries by Madrid City Tour tourist bus.

El Retiro is Madrid’s green lung and the scene of many legends. One of the most famous ones says that there is a hidden treasure buried for more than four centuries. Apparently,

Felipe IV invented a game consisting of hiding small treasures around the park. One day he wanted to go further and demanded to one of his servants to hide one valuable booty.

But his servant passed away not long after that, taking with him the secret of where he hide the treasure.

Other legend related to the park has as a protagonist one goblin called the Guardian of El Retiro. The legend originated during the reign of Felipe V, who used to enjoy long walks in the park.

One day while he was walking around the park, he realized that the plants where growing too fast, and besides that, they were changing their aspect almost every day. In order to give an explication to these acts, people become talking about the existing of a goblin.

Even some of the workers of the park assured that they have seen it in different occasions. During the centuries some couples also affirmed that they have felt the presence of this personage.

Do you dare to have a walk in El Retiro and solve the mysteries of this magical place? Do it with the service of Hop-On Hop-Off which offers the tourist bus, Madrid City Tour.

Both the Route Historical Madrid and the Route Modern Madrid have stops located in a short distance from the park. The stop number 2 of the Route Historical Madrid (Puerta de Alcalá ) and the stop number 13 of the Route Modern Madrid (Puerta de Alcalá) will take you to this place.

Also, having in mind that you can do both routes with the same ticket you could use this stop as a link point. 

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